Common Reasons For Boiler Pressure Loss

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Finding The Purpose Of Industrial Equipment For a long time, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my career. I knew that I wanted things to work out, but I wasn't sure what to do to make things happen for myself. Fortunately, a friend of mine mentioned that there was a lot of potential growth involved in local equipment companies, so I started learning more about the processes they used. I found a great business that offered the kind of job I was looking for, so I met with them to chat about the specifics. It was neat to learn what they wanted to do, and now I feel like I contribute to operations. Check out this blog to learn more about equipment.




If your boiler is experiencing pressurization problems, it won't function properly until you get this problem under control. The cause of your boiler's low pressure can vary depending on the type of boiler you own, but there are several common causes you should look into. 

Expansion Tank Issues

Your boiler relies on an expansion tank that makes sure that the pressure for your heating system remains stable. However, your boiler might develop problems with the pressure tank that will affect the ability of your boiler to function properly.


Another cause of pressure loss is a water leak. There might be a leak in your central heating system. You might discover a stain on your ceiling, a leaky pipe, a damp floor, or a hole in the radiator. Both the radiator and your pipes might develop holes, which could lead to a loss of boiler pressure. However, it can be very difficult to find a plumbing leak, and you might need to contact a professional. 

Broken Relief Valves

You may have a broken relief valve. Rather than repair the relief valve, you are best off replacing it. Shut off your boiler. Then, drain all the water out of your boiler to reduce pressure. You can easily remove water from the boiler by opening up the drain valve. Close the valve once the pressure has reached zero. 

Connect a pipe wrench to the boiler's pressure relief valve. Loosen the valve and remove it. Wrap plumber's tape around all but the bottom two threads. Attach the new valve and turn it into the boiler so that it's straight and facing the same direction as the previous valve. Then, open the fill valve to fill the boiler back up with water. 

Bleeding Radiators

Some radiators can contain trapped air, which can obstruct airflow. This problem is solved by bleeding your radiator, which might lead to a temporary loss of pressure. See if the pressure of your boiler returns to normal. If it doesn't, the problem might be the result of something else. 

Pressure Loss Over Time

If your boiler experiences a loss of pressure over time, you may simply need to follow your manual's pressurization procedure. If you're not sure about what's causing pressure problems for your boiler, there are fortunately several businesses that specialize in boiler repair. They will pinpoint the problem with your specific boiler brand and will perform the necessary repairs. 

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